Welcome to the Quidditch forum! In our online community, curiosity and exploration are encouraged. Feel free to explore around the board and ask questions. Our main rule is positive vibes only. Your kindness, respect, and support contribute to an environment where mutual growth and collaboration thrive. Share your thoughts, engage with fellow members, and jump right in to roleplay after you read the rules/guides.
Teams are being added daily, Jobs will be added soon, Discord will be up soon. Moderator positions are open, stop by the general discussion board and give a shout! Create a account as only members can see the whole board and what we got to offer.
If you wanna play against a Npc team or even challenge a player team just make a new thread here in this board and fill out this format. Season matches are locked and not available at this time.
[b]Player Team:[/b] [b]Opponent Team:[/b] [b]Match:[/b] (Season or Exhibition)